FITIV Points are the best way to track and compare your workouts. By using your own personal intensity metrics FITIV Points level the playing field between athletes and provide an objective score of your workout according to its duration and intensity.
FITIV Points are based on METs -- the Metabolic Equivalent of a Task -- which gives you a ratio of your calories burned in exercise compared to the calories you would have burned at rest during that time frame.
To calculate the number of FITIV Points earned within a workout FITIV will multiply the number of minutes of the workout by the average METs of the workout. This means that workouts will be awarded points based on both duration and effort. Higher heart rates and longer workouts will give you more FITIV Points.
The dashboard tile that corresponds with FITIV Points give you a weekly goal: 1000 FITIV points. This corresponds with research suggesting that a minimum of 1000 MET minutes (these correspond with FITIV Points) per week significantly reduces the risk of various diseases and is a great way to become physically fit. Aiming for 1000 FITIV Points per week gives you a concrete and easily understandable way of ensuring that you get enough physical activity over the course of the week.
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